is the time to pot up bulbs for bloom indoors in the middle of
winter. It's a fun, easy project to pot up some bulbs which will be
in full bloom providing a touch of spring indoors in January,
February, and March - in bloom months ahead of bulbs planted in the garden.
This technique is called
"indoor forcing" and it makes it possible to create your
own colorful pots of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, crocus, and other
spring-blooming bulbs indoors while it's still winter outdoors.
Forcing pots of bulbs is a method of tricking the bulbs into bloom by
giving them a cold treatment.
Forcing bulbs is a step-by-step
process. The first step is to pot up the bulbs into special pots
called bulb pans. A bulb pan is half as deep as it is wide.
next step is to fill the pot with potting mix for bulbs. I make my
own special potting mix for forcing bulbs. It has excellent drainage
so the bulbs don't rot. Put the potting mix up to the first rim of
the bulb pan.
Set the bulbs so that they are
spaced equally. The bulbs can even touch each other so you can put
many in each bulb pan.
Next, add more potting mix up to
one-half inch from the top of the bulb pan. Then give the pot a
thorough watering. |